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Advent Freebie – Week 3: Joy

Para leerlo en español, va arriba de la pagina y “click” la bandera españa.

Each week of Advent has a different topical theme.  Depending on what church you attend the week’s have a different focus.  For week three, we are looking at joy.  We have so many reasons to be full of joy, especially this time of year.  God loves us so much that He sent Jesus here to earth to save us.  How can we not be full of joy?!

As I researched Bible verses about joy, one stood out to me more than the rest and put a Christmas image in my head.

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy.  Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.”  Psalm 5:11

I immediately thought of a snow globe.  The glass of the globe is like God spreading His protection over us.  The house under the snow globe represents the people who are taking refuge in the Lord.  It’s a joy globe.

In my Spanish and English Bible, I have gotten a chance to use the resources from this week.  Joy is something I have been learning a lot about lately.  I enjoy using resources I have created in my Bible.  This week’s freebie has most of the pieces and phrases to Psalm 5:11, so you can use them to write out the verse in your journal or the margin of your Bible.  Which words or phrases from this verse stick out to you?

Salmo 5:11 en la Biblia de Apuntes

Download the free printable below:

Creative Faith Freebie – Advent Week 3

Fe Creative Freebie – Adviento Semana 3

We also have other resources to help you document your faith this Christmas season.  Check out prior weeks freebies in English and Spanish below:

  • Download week 1 free resource about hope here.
  • Download week 2 free resource about love here.

Do you have a snow globe collection?  Do you have a snow globe that means something special to you?  What brings you joy during the Christmas season?  I would love to hear in the comments below!

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