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En español: Produce en Mí, Semana #5

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Can I be honest with you guys for a minute?  Week five was a huge challenge.  Discouragement set in, I was busier than other weeks, and I felt uninspired.  On top of all that, God kept putting opportunities for me to test my patience this week (hello long lines in the supermarket!), which is what week five focuses on.

This week’s devotion is all about traffic and road construction.  What does this have to do with fruit?  We have a fun acronym to help us with patience that spells out a fruit:

P.E.R.A. = Paciencia Espiritual en Relaciones y Actividades

Descargar el devocional aqui

Watch the YouTube video here

This week I tried something new and used an old map in my journaling.  As I meditated on patience, I kept thinking about how we need patience to wait to go down certain roads in our lives.  I would challenge you to try and incorporate a map into your journaling this week.

“Muéstrame, oh SEÑOR, Tus caminos; enséñame Tus sendas. Encamíname en Tu verdad y enséñame porque Tú eres el Dios de mi salvación. En Ti he esperado todo el día.” Salmos 25:4-5

In my traveler’s notebook, I kept things very simple this week.  I did some journaling about when I need patience the most (also when I should be praying most), and covered the background with watercolors.

I also reflected on what fruit takes patience for me to eat: cherries.  Cherries have a hard pit in the middle.  God can put hard, difficult things (like cherry pits) in our lives to help us learn to have more patience.  Grab a fruit that takes patience to eat and meditate on this week’s devotion.

As you dive into week five of the class, I hope God can teach you something new.  Use the times spent waiting, actively pursuing patience through prayer.  Whether you are driving, dealing with kids, or standing in line, call out to God and ask Him to teach you something.

What do you need patience for in your life?  Comment below so I can be praying for you!

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