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En español: Poderoso Gigante

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Normally I am the one asking people if they want to collaborate and work together, so when Yo Pinto Mi Biblia asked if I wanted to write a devotion in Spanish for them, I jumped at the idea!

Descargar devocional aqui

Ver el video en YouTube aqui

God has been teaching me a lot lately about being tired and trusting in Him to give me the energy I need.  I have been feeling like I just cannot fight or climb the giant mountain in front of me anymore, but Jeremiah 20:11 reminds me that I have a powerful giant who is with me all the time.

“Mas Jehová está conmigo como poderoso gigante…” Jeremias 20:11

When we feel like we cannot go on, God is with us.  He will never leave our sides.  When we are doubting and questioning, return to the Bible.  Read God’s Word.

“El da esfuerzo al cansado, y multiplica las fuerzas al que no tiene ningunas.” Isaias 40:29

I would love to see how you use the images I created for the devotion.  Make sure to take me @creativefaithco and @yopintomibiblia on Instagram so we can see your creations.  Let us know in the comments how we can be praying for you!

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