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Click here to check out Hillary of Creative Faith's Christian Girl Morning Routine

Christian Girl Morning Routine

God put an idea on my heart for a YouTube video that I am excited to share today.  (Click HERE to watch the YouTube video.  Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel, too, for lots of Bible journaling inspiration.)  It is all about my morning routine with the Lord.  In the video I walk through how I start my day in the Bible and what tools I use to do that, but I also wanted to put it here on the blog.  I am a very visual learner, not auditory, so for me it is very helpful to read the content.

Let’s go over my special motto: 5 minutes in the Bible is better than no minutes!

This is my workout philosophy, too, but I want to encourage you all to at least spend 5 minutes reading the Bible or a devotion book each day.  Some mornings my routine takes 30-60 minutes (which is why I wake up around 5:30 am!), but it does not have to take that long at all!  The more time you spend with God, however, the more He will speak to you and teach you things and make you more like Him.

I created a little freebie with the four things I do in my morning routine with Jesus.  You can download it in white, or with a fun blue background I created.  There’s complete version or the one with some blanks to fill in yourself!

Creative Faith – Christian Girl Morning Routine Freebie

Without further ado… here’s my Christian Girl Morning Routine.

(disclaimer: This post contains Amazon affiliate links.  This just means that I get a tiny commission if you purchase something using my links.  You don’t have to pay any extra!)

1.  Write God’s Word

Write the Word journals by Cultivate What Matters are awesome.  Each one has Scripture for you to simply write out on the page.  They have themed topics like gratitude, love, joy, and more.  I also sell devotion kits in my Etsy store.  You can check those out here.  Every kit of mine has opportunities for you to use the blank pages to write out Scripture.  I use my Joy Journal frequently to write out God’s Word.  The Take Root kit also has lots of opportunities for Scripture journaling.

2. Prayer Journal

I started prayer journaling back in 2014.  Prayer journaling transformed my relationship with the Lord.  Currently, I am working on a blog post all about prayer journaling, but basically you just simply write out your prayers!

My boyfriend and I have been focusing on saturating our relationship with prayer this year, so we started prayer journaling every day, writing out prayers to God asking for His direction and guidance for our future.  I have been using this journal called Love Does.  It’s based on the book Love Does by Bob Goff.

3. Read a Devotion Book

I am going to rate the various devotion books by time investment.  You should be careful whenever using a devotion book.  Be sure to research who the author is and what their beliefs are to be sure they are teaching sound and correct doctrine.

The first group are devotion books that are around a page per day and don’t have questions or anything.  These are the least time consuming to use each day.

This next group of devotion books are slightly longer and have questions. Both of these books have questions and prompts and Bible verses to dig into as you read, which I love.

This last group are the more intense and time consuming Bible study devotionals, but they are so powerful.  Beth Moore has lots of good ones, but my favorite female Bible teacher is Priscilla Shirer.  She has two Bible study books that have been my absolute favorite.

4. Read the Bible!

I have a whole blog post about tips for reading the Bible and applying it to your life!  You can check it out HERE.  That blog post also has a fun freebie printable included!

Let me know in the comments below what is your favorite way to start out your morning with Jesus?  Do you prefer to read on an iPad?  Do you use a journal?  Have you ever read with a friend or do you prefer to read by yourself?

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