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20+ Quarantine Bullet Journal/Planner Spread Ideas

I started bullet journaling in January of 2019. It became such a fun way to express my creativity and document my life. You can find all my bullet journal videos on my YouTube channel playlist HERE. As the Coronavirus hit the world and everything stopped, I wanted to use my bullet journal to continue to document this season. I want my bullet journal to reflect the beautiful and wonderful parts of life, but I also want to use it to document the hard times. Bullet journaling is a way to de-stress and use my creativity. I hope these ideas are helpful to you.

You can get my favorite Leuchtturm1917 bullet journal on Amazon HERE. You can find my other favorite Clever Fox dot grid journal on Amazon HERE. You can find my Creative Faith dot grid slim floral bullet journal on Amazon HERE.

I created a great printable that was in my Etsy shop, but Etsy removed it because they said I was taking advantage of a worldwide tragedy. Even though there are MANY other virus printables and masks for sale on Etsy doing the same thing. So if you would like to purchase this printable, please email and let me know! I marked it down for a super sale of only $3.

You get over 20+ quarantine journal prompts, over 20+ phrases to document the time like “safe at home” “shelter in place” and “homebody.” The printable also comes with 7 girls I drew complete with masks, pajamas, and a shirt that says WARRIOR. I cannot wait to see what you do with this printable.

Below you’ll find a list and YouTube video flip throughs of tons of COVID19 bullet journal, planner, or memory keeping spread ideas for this time.

Watch ideas #1-7 in my first YouTube video HERE.

1) Fun things to do list
2) Prayer list for COVID19 (the vulnerable, families, containment of virus, pastors and churches, nurses and doctors, students, the media, truck and delivery drivers, etc.)
3) Grocery list
4) Movies to watch
5) Day on/Day off routine
6) Books to read/books read
7) COVID19 facts and tips

Watch ideas #8-19 in my first YouTube video HERE.

8) COVID19 Bible verses (for trust, provision, rest, healing, peace, perseverance, etc.)
9) Quaran-clean cleaning list
10) Things I am missing
11) Quarantine favorites (use my free printable from HERE to document your favorites during this time like food, movie, tv show, outfit, etc.)
12) Outfit tracker (how many days wearing pajamas, slippers, jeans, etc.)
13) Memories (print pictures from your time at home and add them to your bujo or planner)
14) Recipes made or recipes to try
15) Favorite memes
16) Things I enjoy about quarantine
17) This I am learning from this COVID19 season
18) Quarantine playlist
19) Quotes page

Additional ideas:
20) Random acts of kindness to do to bless others
21) How to make a mask
22) Mood tracker
23) One line a day
24) Gratitude list
25) TV shows to watch
26) Quarantine days at home tracker

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