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En español: Produce en Mí, Semana #7

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Welcome back to the Produce in Me FREE summer class!  I just spent the last week in the Dominican Republic, and this devotion and images were inspired by the trip.  One of my favorite things to drink in the DR are the fresh juices.  Mango, chinola, cherry, strawberry, and lime juice.

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I had written the week seven devotion while we were in the Dominican Republic, but on the plane ride home, a new idea hit me, which is the devotion content you see today.  It is funny how we have our own plans, but God is the one who determines our steps.  He directs our paths.  It is a daily adventure with Him.

Galatians 6:9 impacted me this week.  God used this verse to bring me encouragement when I was on the mission trip, and He continued to use this verse to touch my heart as I created and journaled for Produce in Me.  This Bible verse became my prayer, asking God for encouragement to keep doing good things for Him.

One new thing I tried this week was cutting up the verse card and using the tree image with my tab punch.  I used two tabs from the verse card in my traveler’s notebook and my Bible this week.

I used the Matthew 7 verse card as the focal point of my traveler’s notebook entry.  I pulled out some old photo corners I have been keeping for years to create an area for some secret journaling, where I glued the jar of juice image to remind me to be full of God’s goodness.

As you meditate on week seven of the Produce in Me class, think about the question Jesus asks in Luke 19:17.  Could God call you a good and faithful servant?  How are you doing at being full of God’s goodness?  I pray God would encourage you to keep doing good things for Him and His kingdom.

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