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One Word: 2017

As I look ahead on the new year I think and dream and pray about all God has in store for 2017.  For the past few months I have felt burnt out.  Between starting a business and working a full time job at the church, I constantly have things to do.  I stay up late and get up early.

Multiple people warned me that if I didn’t slow down soon that I would burn out.

Jesus had a full life of ministry, yet He constantly went away to spend time in prayer by Himself.  He knew that in order to accomplish anything, He needed to rest.

Psalm 46 is my anthem for the year.  My goal is to read this chapter once a week to meditate on what it teaches me.  I hope to memorize it by the end of the year.  My core verse reads,

“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10

What is your word or phrase for the year?  How can you focus on resting in the Lord?

Stay tuned for a free devotional and Bible journaling cut outs that revolve around this theme!


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