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41 Ways: How to Use & Fill a Journal

Have you tried journaling daily? It’s a wonderful way to wind down at night before falling asleep. Have you checked out the Creative Faith daily journals? I have 2 great styles that come in 3 great sizes for you to check out! Click below to see a flip through of what they look like inside.

Click below to purchase them on Amazon:

Now that you have a daily journal, you might be wondering what can you do to fill the pages? Check out my mid-year flip through to see how I like to use my daily journal.

Here’s a list of 41 different ideas on how you can use and fill a daily journal:

  1. Prayer
  2. Gratitude list of things you are thankful for
  3. Bible verse you like
  4. Themed Bible verses around a different topic
  5. Quote
  6. Song lyrics
  7. What you ate in the day
  8. What you accomplished during the day (a to done list instead of to do list)
  9. What happened during the day
  10. Print pictures from the day to add to your page
  11. Doodles and drawings
  12. Currently page (watching, reading, drinking, listening to, loving, praying, celebrating, giving to God, etc.)
  13. Quotes from a book you’re reading
  14. Recipe you want to try
  15. Recipe you made and loved
  16. List of movies to watch
  17. Washi tape page (strips of washi tape covering the page)
  18. Sticker collage
  19. Magazine clippings
  20. Morning, afternoon & evening list
  21. List of house projects you need to do or got done
  22. Wellness page: Workout you did, hours you slept, cups of water you drank, vitamins you took, etc.
  23. Things you need to cook or bake that day
  24. Affirmations page: I am… (daughter of the King, loved, forgiven, healing, etc.)
  25. God is… list of attributes of God
  26. Monthly highlights of your favorite things from the month (I do this at the end of the month)
  27. Pray for the new month or new week
  28. What God is teaching you as you read the Bible
  29. Favorites list (movie, TV show, IG account to follow, drink, clothing, food, activity)
  30. What you dreamed about
  31. Weekly reset/daily reset/monthly reset: What you like to do as the new week, day, month begins
  32. Holiday focus (Easter, St. Patrick’s Day, Valentine’s Day): Holiday traditions, or pictures from the holiday or seasonal activities you do
  33. Seasonal bucket list
  34. Monthly bucket list
  35. A prayer for someone on their birthday
  36. List of favorite podcasts
  37. Sermon notes
  38. Things you save on Pinterest or Instagram that you want to remember (I’ve done: ways to regulate your nervous system, benefits of morning sunshine, ways to support your thyroid, top 5 book recommendations about gardening, etc. Be sure to write the name of the Instagrammer down on the page in order to give them credit and remember!)
  39. Draw a mug and write and finish this prompt: fill this new week/day/month with…
  40. Shopping list
  41. Answered prayers list

“You must remember that your story matters. What you write has the power to save a life, sometimes that life is your own.”

Tammy L. Kubasko

“Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.”

William Wordsworth
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